Annotated Bibliography

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What is an annotated bibliography? Before we find out what it means, let’s give the definition to the notion “bibliography”. Each college or university student frequently hears this term. Some of them consider this piece of work to be less important. Nevertheless, they are mistaken. A bibliography is a “works cited list”. In other words, this is a short list, placed at the end of your project. The overriding priority of this list is to indicate all sources the author used to write his research project. As a rule, this list comprises the information about what books, magazines, newspapers, manuscripts or other resources you’ve used in your research. Frequently, specialists call this list a “citation”. It displays the information about the author, publishing year, etc. All these citations are published with the aim to simplify the procedure of finding sources by other researchers. Having taken a look at a number of annotated bibliography examples we see online, we can conclude that this is a full list of articles, documents or books. As a rule, each citation has a brief (it takes approximately 150 words) or annotation. The overarching aim of this paragraph is to notify the readers about accuracy and the quality of the cited sources. Analyzing a number of annotated bibliography samples we can conclude that any annotated bibliography encompasses the following items: Citation. The description or summary of a resource. Your personal standpoint.

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